Susan B. Anthony was born on February 15, 1820. This year-long blog celebrates not only her 200th birthday,
but also her work, life, and the progress toward universal woman's suffrage as well as the 100th anniversary
of the year-long effort to ratify the Nineteenth Amendment.

During this year I will be adding stories from my imagined kitchen conversations with Susan B. Anthony and recipes from her era.
I am beginning this week because on June 4, 1919, women were one step closer to getting the vote when the United States Congress
passed the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution. Just over a year later, on August 18, 1920, Tennessee was the 36th state to ratify,
thus achieving passage by the required three-fourths of the nation's then 48 states states.
By 1984 all of the states that had been in the union at the time had finally ratified the amendment.

As essays are added, I'll mark them as "POSTED" on this Overview page and provide a link through for the stories and recipes of this year of celebration.

RECIPE for Susan B. Anthony's favorite kind of Old Fashioned Sponge Cake is at the bottom of this post. Scroll down to find the easy-to-make recipe.

Monday, May 13, 2019

1883 Susan Travels to England and Europe

Posting September 2020   PREVIEW:

How did you find your journey to England?

The British Prince set off down Delaware Bay on February 24.  During a one-day delay, I quickly sent off twenty letters, as the journey would be the longest time I had ever been unable to communicate. There were only seven passengers among them my companion and secretary Rachel Avery. At meals I sat at the captain’s right hand. We came in sight of Ireland on March 5.  By journey’s end I hadn’t lost a single meal. Another time I should take a larger stock of oranges, lemons, and other fruit.
I had managed to keep my own counsel regarding political topics, but at dinner an Englishman summed up: “Your country will come to ruin from such doctrines as you woman’s rights folks advocate.” I put the case to him to the best of my sea-brain’s ability. This was the first time I let my tongue loose. 

During the six months I was away of course spent time with Mrs. Stanton, who had been living with her daughter in London since 1882.  Miss Avery and I also traveled to Italy, Germany, and France. 

RECIPE: To be selected

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